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The most common and most annoying problem basement owners face is flooding. If your basement is regularly filled with water, the objects and furniture inside will be damaged. High humidity also destroys building materials and room decoration: wood rots, concrete cracks, and metal rusts. The most unpleasant thing is that dampness leads to the appearance of fungus and mold, which have a negative impact not only on the building but also on the health of its residents. The reasons for the appearance of water in the basement and methods for solving the problem will be discussed below.

Reasons for Water Leaking Into Basement After Heavy Rain

There can be several reasons for basement flooding, ranging from construction errors to completely natural processes. Read below about each of them.

Window well issues

Most window wells have a drainage system that prevents the accumulation of water. Improper maintenance of the drainage well can lead to clogging and subsequent flooding of the basement.

Fissures in concrete block foundation walls

Cracks in foundation walls are another possible way for water to enter your basement. Moisture in the soil around the foundation of your home can force its way through cracks in the walls.

Contraction cracks in poured foundation walls

Such cracks appear as a result of shrinkage of the foundation due to the evaporation of water from the concrete. It happens in the first month after pouring the foundation of the house. The wetter the concrete mixture, the greater the subsidence will be, increasing the likelihood of a crevice forming.

Expansive soil conditions

The proximity of groundwater to the surface of the soil is a common problem of basement flooding. The main reason is the peculiarity of the soil structure, in which aquifers come too close to the surface. This problem may worsen in the spring when the snow melts.

Blocked gutters and downspouts

One of the most common causes of basement flooding is debris objects and other blockages in gutters and storm drains. Water leaking from clogged pipes can end up on walls and near the foundation. Drainage system repair is one of the most effective methods, especially considering the cost-benefit ratio. Professionals of basement waterproofing services Toronto will help you if water is coming up through the basement floor after heavy rain due to clogged drains and other, more complex reasons.

Water Leaks and Seepage in the Basement: What Sets Them Apart?

A basement can be flooded for two reasons:

  • Water leaks. It is the spontaneous leakage of water from damaged elements of the plumbing system. For example:
    • breakdown of sewer pipes and parts of drainage systems;
    • defective waterproofing materials;
    • violation of instructions for installing waterproofing.
  • Water seepage after coming up through the basement floor after heavy rain. This happens due to:
    • seasonal changes in groundwater levels;
    • damage to the foundations of the house;
    • frequent and heavy rainfall.

Let’s discuss how to eliminate the consequences of water on the basement floor after rain.

How to fix water leaking into the basement after heavy rain

You need to take care of the basement dryness at the planning stage of the house. Proper design and installation of the foundation are the main measures to prevent crawl space flooding. In addition, you should:

  • Take care of setting up an effective drainage system that will cope with any volume of rainwater.
  • Make reliable waterproofing of the foundation.
  • Take care of waterproofing the floor, walls, and ceiling of the basement.
  • Remember that any materials wear out over time, and sometimes check whether everything is in good condition.

But if you still see water in the basement after rain, who to call? For professional advice and immediate assistance, call the experts at Quality Age Build.

Identify the origin of the leak

Basement rooms are more likely than others to suffer from water flooding. We have already talked about the common causes of this unpleasant thing. However, water in the basement after heavy rain can get there even if your foundation is installed according to all the rules. The reason is the location of the house on a site with a slope, especially at its foot. Basement flooding is inevitable under the circumstances. In this case, special attention should be paid to drainage systems when designing a house. If the problem already exists, you can adjust the slope of the yard yourself or involve specialists in this process.

Adjust the slope of your yard

If the site is too uneven, the elevation changes exceed the depth of the fertile soil layer, grading is necessary. To do this, use heavy equipment with a hydraulic blade. Soil shall be aligned along the string, making marks using a precision level. Drops, bumps, and ditches will disappear, and the ground will be perfectly smoothed.

Maintain clean gutters

Leaves, pine needles, debris, and dust clog gutters, forming a heavy and dense substance. To avoid basement leaks when it rains, you should clean gutters regularly. You can do this in several ways:

  • Manual. Cleaning with a special scoop after rain, when it is wet and can be separated from the gutter easily.
  • Cleaning with water. It is convenient to rinse the drainage system with water from a hose.
  • Automated methods. Used when the pressure of a conventional hose is not enough. High-pressure washers, like those used at car wash, may be used then.
  • Robot vacuum cleaner. Another option is a special robot for gutters and pipes. It is a small and lightweight device that moves along the drain and removes dirt with rotating augers. It can work both in dry weather and after rain.

Avoid planting near the foundation

It is natural and justifiable that every owner wants to add some uniqueness to his home, for example, by decorating the façade with gorgeous plants. However, some plants may cause damage to the foundation structure. Tree roots deform the foundation as they grow, resulting in the formation of cracks through which rain and melt water enter the basement. Bushy thickets contribute to the accumulation and retention of water in their root systems, which also leads to the formation of excess moisture and, as a result, mold in the basement.

Properly install window wells

If water is leaking into the basement after heavy rain, installation of window wells “DIY” may be a challenging task for homeowners, so in this case it is better to trust the professionals. When properly installed and maintained, your window wells will provide added protection, reliable drainage, and improve the overall appearance of your home.

Seal any shrinkage cracks in basement walls

Injection is an effective method for eliminating complex or deep cracks. It consists of filling a crack with polyurethane composition under pressure, which helps stop the flow of water and provides high elasticity during polymerization.

Implement a drain tile system, either inside or outside

An effective solution: drainage tiles capture rising groundwater, reduce hydrostatic pressure, and prevent seepage of the concrete wall. Therefore, in many cases, no other waterproofing methods are needed.

Rectify foundation cracks

To do this, you can use simple techniques and available materials:

  • Filling small cracks with epoxy resin and securing with staples.
  • Wrapping the damaged area with specialized tapes.
  • A large crack can only be corrected by digging with further removal of the damaged part of the foundation and its reconstruction.
  • Using polyurethane foam in repairing small and medium-sized damage.
  • Pouring cement mortar is a good old way to fix leaks in the support of a house.

Install sealed windows and covers for window wells

Closing window wells will prevent the accumulation of rainwater and garbage inside. Accumulated moisture leads to leaks and destruction of the window frame. In this case, an additional measure of protection against water seepage in the basement after rain is the installation of a sealed window frame on the window well.

Extend downspouts to divert water away from the foundation

The most common and simplest reason for water getting into the basement floors is an insufficient length of drainage pipes. Water falls too close to the foundation, which leads to its flooding. Sometimes it is enough to lengthen the drainage system to eliminate the problem.

Why It’s Important to Address Basement Leaks

Unfortunately, flooding of the basement in the house is not uncommon. In conditions of constant high humidity, unpleasant odors, mold, and dangerous fungus appear in the basement. It creates a great environment for mosquitoes, midges, and other insects. This problem also leads to the gradual destruction of the foundation.


There are many ways to keep your basement dry. Firstly, take care to drain natural waters from the foundation effectively by installing a good drainage system. Waterproof the foundation to protect it from rain and melt water. Of course, you can do it yourself, but the most reliable and fast way to protect your basement is ordering services from Quality Age Build. We are always ready to help!


When should I be worried about a wet basement?

Take care of the dryness of the basement at the stage of planning the house. Wrong choice of location on the site, or even the site itself, errors in the selection of building and insulating materials may lead to problems in the future.

What materials can soak up moisture in the basement?

  • Rock salt. Since salt is hygroscopic, it absorbs moisture from the air. You can drain your basement with a 50-pound bag of sodium chloride.
  • Sand can be used to backfill the cellar floor to prevent moisture from penetrating from the soil and reduce dampness levels.
  • Quicklime is an excellent moisture absorber. For instance, it is often used to drain air in the cellar.

What is the most effective solution for waterproofing basement walls?

Penetrating coating is considered one of the most effective types of protection of buildings from water. It is made from materials that can seep into the pores and capillaries of concrete, blocking water. Moreover, such protection does not impair the vapor permeability of the building.

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